Basic Statistics Name: Knightley Green
Birth date: 11/1/2038 Age: 27 Nationality: American, ¼ Spanish on his mother's side Hometown: Trenton, New Jersey Current residence: East side of Manhattan with his fiancée, Emma Beaumont (protagonist) Occupation: chemical engineer
Role: love interest
Physical Characteristics Height: 6'0" Eye color: hazel Hair color: brown Skin color: olive
Distinguishing features: severely scarred face Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes Educational background: B.S. in Chemistry, Master’s in Bio-Chemistry
I.Q.: 123
Myers-Briggs personality type: INFJ Goals: protect Emma from his past demons; come to terms with said demons; enjoy life with his fiancée.
Talents/Skills: math, most sciences, cooking, problem solving/test taking
Weaknesses: writing, most visual arts, struggles with self-confidence, blames himself for other people's actions
Relationship skills: caring, attentive, good listener Greatest flaw: his insecurity
Best quality: his compassion Personality traits: funny, analytical, self-deprecating, sensitive, thoughtful, jaded, kind, cynical.
Likes: reading, creative arts, humor, cats
Dislikes: violence, disrespect, making small talk with strangers Other:
Haruki Murakami is his favorite writer.
His parents are big Jane Austen fans and decided to name him after the character of George Knightley.
He's an only child.
He loves Greek myths.